Sunday, November 30, 2008

Nice Description of the Centimeters From Mutant Sounds

Cuniglius Records have been fans from way back of the Centimeters. Flaming Fire were lucky enough to play a show with them in 2002, at Galapagos. I'll write about awesome Centimeters shows later. But for now, here's a nice synopsis from the Mutant Sounds blog:

"Completely ignored, this fiercely idiosyncratic L.A. unit existed (still exist?) in a bubble of their own creation whose touchstones, at least to these ears, seem to come from an earlier era of the L.A. underground via outfits like 45 Grave and The Fibonaccis. It's a very curious combination of quirk and quease and one that takes a few spins to assimilate, as arch, addled cabaret pop shares space with offkey dirges about wanting "a dead one". Anyone who downloaded the Iceplants' headscratching E.P. that I posted a little while back will find a certain simpatico to their ungainly approaches to songform in the sparely fucked arrangements here as well. Guest spots from ex-Germs/45 Grave/C.E.D.S. nutter Don Bolles and L.A.F.M.S. vet Joseph Hammer should go some ways toward providing a context for this curio cabinet of experimental pop maneuvers, but this is really it's own unique beast and deserves a reckoning from anyone with a yen for the peculiar."

Read more about the Centimeters from Mutant Sounds here.

Here we go.

Hi, This is the first post on the Cuniglius Records web page.