Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Dame Darcy's Amazing Pagan Nun Credo


The truth is the blood and guts of ones soul that comes oozing out when one has been smashed alive by God like a bug...."

Last week, Dame Darcy announced in a long letter written in biblical-type verse to her mailing list readers that she's moving from NYC to Portland, because of her sacred cause as a druid, elves, pagan nuns, death by medieval worms, Tibetans, Mayans, Atlantis ... I can't really sum this letter up. But it is one of my favorite published credos from her: very sad in tone, but pretty and moving, while also fantastically strange and riveting/entertaining.

I'm gonna miss her a lot. She lived in NYC for a year, we didn't see each other as much as we wanted, we were both too busy, which seems stupid now. But I hope she can relax a little bit in Portland and have some fun while she's working on her amazing comics and films.

Anyway, you can sign up for future missives from darcy, by going here.

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